Doris Jetzinger, BA MA


Teaching at the University of Vienna

Portrait of Doris Jetzinger


Doris Jetzinger is an archaeologist working as a university assistant (Prae-Doc) at the University of Vienna since July 2021, where she also completed her Bachelor and Master studies. Her research focuses on landscape- and geoarchaeology and in particular on the interdisciplinary linking of the two disciplines. Accordingly, she is working on the creation of a landscape biography of the Kreuttal in the Weinviertel region in the course of her dissertation project "Life of a Landscape", applying an interdisciplinary methodological approach. The focus is on studying the development of the landscape over the millennia and the formation processes involved.

Key Research Topics

  • Landscape archaeology
  • Geoarchaeology
  • Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC), landscape analysis and reconstruction, human-landscape interactions
  • Interdisciplinary approaches and methods in landscape and geoarchaeology (Remote sensing, geophysical prospection, stratigraphy, sedimentology, micromorphology, geochemistry, scientific dating methods)
  • Prehistoric archaeology, focusing on the Neolithic and the Bronze Age

For additional information see also the HEAS website.



Jetzinger, D., Krenn-Leeb, A., Lindinger, V., Weßling, R., Peresson, M., Supper, R., Rötzel, R., & Peticzka, R. (2023). Is this settlement intersected by a ditch? A comparison between magnetic prospection data, ALS data, and archaeological and geological excavation results from the Early Bronze Age fortified hilltop settlement of Ratzersdorf, Lower Austria. In T. Wunderlich, H. Hadler & R. Blankenfeldt (Hrsg.), Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection (pp. 143-147). Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing. 

Jetzinger, D. (2023). The Middle Neolithic Child Burials of the Lengyel Culture from Ölkam, Upper Austria. New Insights into the Burial Customs of the Western Group of the Lengyel Culture and the Dating of the Ölkam Site. In W. Schier (Hrsg.), Rondel ’22. Ritual arena, calendrical monument, or performative architecture? New hypotheses and research on Neolithic rondel enclosures 5000-4500 BC, Online workshop, 27th - 29th January 2022, Freie Universität Berlin.

Jetzinger, D. & Sevara, C. (2019). Revisiting the Segesta and the Monreale Survey Sites - The Benefits and Possibilities of Digitising Analog Archaeological Spatial Data. In J. Bonsall (Hrsg.), New Global Perspectives on Archaeological Prospection, 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 28. August - 1. September 2019, Sligo – Irland (pp. 96-98). Archaeopress Publishing Ltd.

Jetzinger, D. (2016). Das Fundmaterial der frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfelder von Sinzing-Ostermiething, Linz-Wegscheid und Bad Goisern. In J. Leskovar (Hrsg.), Frühmittelalter in Oberösterreich. Inventare aus den archäologischen Sammlungen des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich 40 (pp. 461-498). Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz.

Academic Career

October – November 2023: Research stay at Newcastle University, UK

Since July 2021: University Assistant (Prae-Doc) at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna

March – July 2021: Lecturer at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna

2020 – 2021: Research Assistant at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna

2018 – 2020: Employee and tutor at the excavation and field school at the Early Bronze Age rampart of Ratzersdorf /Am Dachsgraben, Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna

2016 – 2020: Employee at the research excavations of the project „Zeitensprung”, Kuratorium Pfahlbauten

2014 – 2017: Employee at excavation- and research projects in Austria and Egypt, among others, working in excavation, finds management and documentation, and as a tutor

Academic Education

2016 – 2021: MA, Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna

2012 – 2016: BA, Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna

Website content: D. Jetzinger